The Beast
(8/1/88 - 3/19/01)
The Beast (Domestic Shorthaired Tortoise Shell Female)
looking very wise in a number of poses. The middle shots show her "inspecting"
(i.e. sleeping on) my Toshiba Notebook Computer which gets very warm and vibrates - a
perfect kitty bed in her opinion. The second from the bottom two pictures show The Beast
doing "Quality Control" on Harry Motley's (Lynne Motley's Father) soon to be
shipped Toshiba portable in March 1998 - She approved it (i.e. fell asleep on it) and I
shipped it....after removing her of course.
And here is a picture of her taken on 8/1/98 on her 10th
Birthday, relaxing and enjoying life as a cat should:
![beast98.JPG (5831 bytes)](beast98.JPG)
Here are more Beast Pictures from Spring 2000:
Here are more Beast Pictures from Spring 2001:
The Beast passed on to The Rainbow Bridge on Monday 03/19/01 @
8:50am CST due to Acute Lymphoblastic Lymphoma after one week of Chemotherapy
treatments. She enjoyed a long nap in the sun the day before. She also ate her
favorite foods of tuna, sardines in oil, a strawberry toaster bagel, Hormel pork
loin marinated in garlic and lemon, and her crunchy Eukanuba Lamb & Rice
kibbles. She was groomed by MR. Tibbs with a bit of help from Rachel.
Rachel and I were with her as was Dr. Diane Bennetts and Sally
the Vet Tech.
She will be missed by all of us, but never forgotten.
Sleep well Beautiful Beastie, and have fun chasing those
We will meet again someday.